Day: September 4, 2021

Electric Heating CompanyElectric Heating Company

All over the UK people are increasingly looking into the potential of Electric Central Heating. There’s a range of reasons behind this; the potential for cutting down expensive gas bills, removing the need for fuel deliveries, an interest in more eco-friendly heating or an inability to access gas mains. The Greener Energy Group provides high quality Electric Heating Options in the form of Electric Radiators. We’ve been offering our services as a company since 2014, but our team has well over 20 years combined experience providing quick and easy installations.

What is Electric Central Heating?

In the past Central Heating usually meant a system used to generate heat and hot water and was based on one fuel source (so gas central heating, for example, would be a gas boiler that generated heat and provided hot water). In recent years that’s changed, and when we talk about Electric Central Heating, we mean systems like German Electric Radiators or Heaters – which provide efficient, and eco-friendly heat to the home.

How do Electric Heaters and Radiators Work?

Electric Radiators come in a ride array of shapes and sizes and work in a range of different ways. Some are like night storage heaters and contain ceramic plates or bricks which are heated up by electricity. Others contain a thermal fluid which can be warmed up and the heat dispersed into the surrounding air. In any case, 100% of the energy is used, and there’s no waste.

Why Electric Central Heating?

There are many benefits to Electric Central Heating and German Heaters. Here’s just a few of the benefits.

Quick Installation

Firstly, it’s easy to install. Boilers, Electric, Gas or otherwise require a pipework system which must be laid down and is often extremely intrusive. It can be a long process, and an expensive one. This isn’t the case with Electric Radiators; they can simply be mounted on the wall. When using professionals, this won’t take long and won’t intrude on your routine or schedule. It’ll be quick. This also means that secondly, maintenance won’t be a serious problem.

Can be Installed Anywhere

Over 5,000,000 homes in the UK aren’t connected to the gas mains. This means that many, many people can’t really access gas power. On the other hand, Electricity is available practically everywhere.


One of the biggest issues with older Heating Systems is maintenance. Boilers have many moving parts, and pipes can clog (and clog so badly that the whole system is better off being replaced than cleaned). As a result, the potential for breaks and problems skyrockets and the system must be consistently maintained, checked on and insurance in needed in case of a break down. Electric Radiators don’t suffer these kinds of issues; not only does the high-quality German engineering behind the radiators ensure breakdowns are rare, but the lack of moving parts ensures maintenance is rarely if ever required.

In the long term this means less money spent on repairs, call outs and insurance. Our systems come with 10 yearlong warranties, so you’ll be protected in the case of any incidents occurring.

Control Options

A major selling point of Electric Heating is the excellent ability for control. Radiators can be set to turn on at certain times of the day while you can leave rooms unheated (which isn’t an option with older systems such as Night Storage Heaters) meaning you can cut down on unnecessary energy losses.

Electric Radiators can be connected to apps to be remotely set as well – providing even further options for control.

100% Efficient

Another major benefit is the efficiency of systems. A traditional boiler-based heating system will, at best, convert 90% of the energy it burns into heat. This contrasts with electric radiators, where 100% of the energy is converted into heat. This means not a penny is wasted on heating your home.

What About the Cost?

While a lot of people fret over the cost of Electric Heating, in the long term it can save a significant amount of money. Not only is installation cheap, but maintenance is as well, and doesn’t have the same kind of demand for expensive insurance. Since it uses 100% of the energy it consumes, there isn’t any waste – which is always the case with other systems. There’s an increasing range of cheaper energy and electric tariffs as well, meaning it’s becoming more and more affordable to heat the home.